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About the Authors

Trey Wright spent his youth in Indian Hill, OH excelling in private school, traveling abroad, and building his fine art collection. After graduating from Williams College, he parlayed his highly lucrative English degree into a career in corporate writing. Now working on earning his second million (because he was wildly unsuccessful with his first), Trey founded the publishing house Windy Pig Press with his fiancée, Anna Swisher. Whether he will need to begin working on his third million remains to be seen.

Anna Swisher grew up in the idyllic northern suburbs of Chicago, IL frequenting fine dining establishments and boutique clothing stores. Burned out on champagne truffles and charity galas, Anna bravely opted for a career in education instead of finance after graduating from Williams College. Anna now happily resides on a farm in rural Tennessee.

About the Illustrator

Kelly fell in love with art in the second grade and has been learning about and creating art ever since. She enjoys painting and drawing, and her love of children and learning led her to illustrating children's books. Kelly has a BA from the University of Notre Dame, in South Bend, IN with a double major in Studio Art and Psychology. See more of Kelly's work at

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